Volunteers Instructions

Sign up to Volunteer!
Volunteer Hours: 8:00 AM-Noon.

Click here for the Volunteer Instructions.


  •  All volunteers will meet @ 8:00 AM in front of West Hartford Urgent Care Center, 74 Park Rd, diagonally across from Webster Bank. Don’t forget to sign in.

    Items to pick up at the sign in the table:

    Name Badge, Clipboard, (yellow) Speed-up/Slow-Down signs

    Maps of: Division Line-up Locations, Consolidated Map (restrooms shown  here),

    Bus Drop-Off/Pick-up.

    (1) Alpha listing of parade units and (2) Division Order Line-up


    • Volunteers need to be at their assigned location by 9:00 AM. Groups start to line up @ 9:30 AM. Volunteers can park on side streets not blocked off and walk down to 74 Park Rd. 

    • Conductors and Assistant Conductors will receive a sign that reads SPEED UP on one side and SLOW DOWN on the reverse, used to control the pace of the marchers 

    • T-shirts will be given out at the volunteer meeting. Date and time to be announced. 

    • Important- Clipboards, radios, slow-down, and speed-up signs must be returned after the parade to Steben’s Auto Body, 307 Park Rd (near the stage). There will be a box for you to drop them in. 

    • Buses will drop off participants at the intersection of West Beacon St and & Lockwood Terrace. Buses will park on the north side of Vera St. for pickup. (See map for locations) 

    • Handicap Parking is available on Crescent St, Fairlawn St, Washington Circle, and any other side streets along Park Rd. Once the street is closed off, entry will need to be made from the back end of the street. 

    • Food is available at restaurants on Park Rd 

    • Everyone needs to keep their eyes alert for young children running out into the street for candy. 

    Instructions for Conductors & Assistant Conductors

    • Make sure your Division # sign is posted near your street so participants can locate you.

    • Instructions on the use of portable radios are given on Saturday morning. Radios must be returned to Steben’s Auto Body at the end of the parade along with clipboards 

    • Check off groups as they arrive. 

    • Line up participants in the order listed on the Division Sheet. Parade order is done by design, so changes/revisions must be noted & communicated to TV commentators 

    • March with your group to avoid large gaps between the units. Allow space for each group. Instruct them to speed up or slow down as needed with your sign.  If Group 1 has ten people, allow room for 10.  If Group 2 has 20 people and a truck and Group 3 arrives first, leave enough space for Group 2 when they arrive.

    • Any cars that arrive that have not received a specific division assignment via mail should line up on Ringgold St. 

    • All vehicles in the parade must go past Jessamine St. to Trout Brook Drive and turn. Divisions must march all the way to Jessamine St and turn the corner. 

    • Anyone not on your roster should be asked to speak with:

    Division # 1, 5 & 6_________        Division # 2, 3 & 4 – ________


    Elected officials may march in the parade and may wear campaign buttons, but no signs are allowed.   Candidates running for office on Election Day may walk on the sidewalk and distribute flyers.


    Instructions for Ambassadors

    • Make certain you have all Maps & Division Listings (Alpha & Numeric).

    • Help direct groups where they need to go.

    • Assigned to a specific Conductor /Assistant Conductor to assist with the management of the lineup process within the division.

    • March with the Division to help maintain appropriate spacing to avoid large gaps.

    • Provide information to individuals about restroom locations, handicapped parking, and where groups need to line up.

    • Crowd control – ensure little children are not running out into the street to catch candy being thrown from cars & parade participants. Remind those throwing candy it must be done in an underhand manner.

    • Important: Make sure spectators stay back on the sidewalks and not in the path of the parade. Some marching groups are wide and span the width of the street. If you run into a problem, call –Tony Landino. # cell 860-719-9827 or John Paindiris. # 860-836-9366 to report the issue.

    Thank you for volunteering, and have fun!

If you have questions, please contact John Paindiris at 860-836-9366 or e-mail JCPFETA@aol.com.