Park Road Parade
Saturday, October 5, 2024

In September of 1999, Richard Patrissi, owner of Patrissi Nursery and Garden Center, Angelo Faenza, owner of the Prospect Café, and Rob Rowlson, West Hartford Director of Community Services, spearheaded the idea of holding a parade to celebrate the completion of infrastructure improvements along Park Road.

Since then, this fun-filled, one-of-a-kind community event has become one of the region’s most popular fall traditions. It celebrates all that is special about Park Road, West Hartford, and beyond.  Mark your calendar for the grand finale on Saturday, October 5.

Over the last twenty-five years, organizing the parade has grown into a nearly year-long volunteer effort. There is no guarantee that Mother Nature will cooperate by keeping inclement weather away. Expenses for the event are incurred each year, even if the parade needs to be canceled due to rain, as was the case in 2022 and 2023.

After much thought and consideration, Parade organizers have decided to pause future parades after this year’s event. The Park Road Association will instead focus its future time and energy on multiple events throughout the year designed to celebrate the Park Road Community and promote our neighborhood’s businesses.

This year, we are committed to making the parade as special and memorable as the first. This year’s Parade is dedicated to Rob Rowlson, who sadly passed away in 2022. Local radio and community service icon Renee DiNino will be the Grand Marshal, and all past Parade Grand Marshals will be invited to participate. 

We encourage everyone to participate in the parade. There is no fee to participate. All you have to do is complete the sign-up form and email it to

Each year awards are given to Best Float, Best Overall Performance, Best Costume, Best Musical Performance, and Best Community Spirit.  Make your contingent the best it can be and win!

If you have any questions, call me at 860-561-7521.

A big “thank you” goes out to all of our 2023 and 2024 sponsors:

Lead Sponsors


band Sponsors

FLOAT Sponsors

go mile run SponsorS

Watch the 2021 parade on WHCi:

See a collection of photos on

Congratulations to the 2021 winners! (See photos below)

  • Best Float - Friends of Feeney

  • Best Overall Performance - CT Hart Cheer

  • Best Community Spirit - A Strand Ahead

  • Best Costumes - Peruvian Arts & Crafts

  • Best Musical Performance - The Hartt School’s Brazilian Samba Band 

Best Costumes: CT Peruvian Art and Craft Photo: Ronni Newton

Best Costumes: CT Peruvian Art and Craft
Photo: Ronni Newton

Best Float: Friends of Feeney Photo: Ronni Newton

Best Float: Friends of Feeney
Photo: Ronni Newton

Best Musical Performance: Hartt School of Music, Brazilian Samba Band Photo: Ronni Newton

Best Musical Performance: Hartt School of Music, Brazilian Samba Band
Photo: Ronni Newton

Best Overall Performance: CT Hart Cheer Photo: Ronni Newton

Best Overall Performance: CT Hart Cheer
Photo: Ronni Newton

Best Community Spirit: A Strand A Head Salon Photo: Ronni Newton

Best Community Spirit: A Strand A Head Salon
Photo: Ronni Newton

Photo: Chuck Coursey

Photo: Chuck Coursey

Elected & Appointed Town Officials Photo: Ronni Newton

Elected & Appointed Town Officials
Photo: Ronni Newton

Thank you to our 2021 Volunteers! Photo: Tony Landino

Thank you to our 2021 Volunteers!
Photo: Tony Landino